Brotherhood in Islam

Bismillâh, wal-hamdulillâh, was-salâtu was-salâmu `alâ rasûlillâh

When we talk about brotherhood in Islam, we must first know what the term brotherhood means.

According to the dictionary, brotherhood is a bond or link between a group of people based on a common interest, such as a game.

However, according to Islam, brotherhood is defined as a bond between a group of people according to Islam.

Allâh says in  Âyah 9 of Sûrah al-Hujurât that "The believers are nothing else than brothers."

Therefore, we should consider how close we are to others on the basis of Islam. We should not consider one person closer to us than another person because he likes soccer better, or because he likes playing World of Warcraft. They way we look at and judge another person should be based on Islam.

We should also not break the bonds of brotherhood abd frienship with our fellow Muslims. Indeed, brotherhood that comes as a result of Islam is closer, stronger and more worthy to be kept & strengthened that the brotherhood that comes out of a blood relationship, as demonstrated by the Sahâbah, may Allâh be pleased with them all.

And Allâh knows best.