Misinformation, Stubborness & Quarrelling - An Islamic Viewpoint

The following article is about the importance of providing the correct information, as well as the characteristics of some of today's Muslims that should not be part of their character.

There were some people who were going to a lecture in Lakemba. The lecture was given every 2 weeks. Among those people, there was a person named Naufal who provided misinformation about the lecture. The people ended up coming to the lecture place on the wrong week.

Similarly in Islam, providing the correct information in Islam is crucial. If one tells the people that the Haram is Halal & the Halal is Haram, he would be committing a big sin.

For example, if a scholar tells his followers that Riba is Halal & Tarawih Prayer is Bid`ah, he is committing sins by changing the Law of Allah & The Prophet's Sunnah, as well as misguiding the people.
Also, the media and those who provide misinformation & misconceptions about Islam are in grave error for presenting a distorted version of Islam to the world.

Now back to the story about those people who wanted to go to the lecture. Later that evening, they went to Lakemba Masjid. There was a fight there about parking. Some people parked their cars in the driveway and in other places where they're not supposed to park, blocking the people who wanted to leave early. As a result, people started arguing with each other just beside the House of Allah.

In Islam we must always think about others. Whether on a small scale, such as people blocking other cars in the carpark, or on a bigger scale, such as the victims of the recent Pakistani & Indonesian disasters. We mustn't be selfish or stubborn either. When it comes to small things such as parking, we shouldn't be selfish, so you should park somewhere where you won't cause chaos. Similarly, we shouldn't be stubborn when it comes to big things, such as lending a hand to the victims of natural disasters & war.

However, we must always think about others and not be selfish in both small & large matters at the same time. We can't just be one of those people who are willing to think about and give Sadaqah to those less fortunate, yet, they do not think about those whom they have just blocked with their cars.

The issue is not just parking though. Leaving phones on during prayer, raising voices unnecessarily inside the masjid and other matters are things that need to be resolved as well.

If we are always being selfish & not thinking about others, we will end up arguing & quarrelling amongst ourselves. `A'ishah reported that the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam) said: "The most hated person in the sight of Allah is the most quarrelsome person (the person who argues all the time)."[al-Bukhari: 637]

As Muslims, we should be united in small things, such as parking in the right places at the mosque, as well as large things, such as the spiritual, physical, mental & political unity of the Ummah.

And Allah Knows Best (Ibnu Adam)


Anonymous said...

Well done bro

Bambang PK said...

Subhanallah Ismail. Your writing is very inspiring, om bambang sure you will become a good Muslim writers who write about the truth of Islam.